Coming up against a bully on the poker table is not something uncommon. In fact, most players who think they are very good will attempt to bully less experienced players at a table. This gives them confidence, a mental edge and motivation. However, beating a bully can be just as easy so long as you follow a few basic rules.
Poker bullies can only perform that role if they are being super aggressive. A person trying to bully others into submission on the poker table will make a lot of bets, even if he or she does not have good cards. There is a way to take advantage of this recklessness in their play. If you are playing a bully, you should call as often as possible. The bully is playing more hands than he should, which means you can also let go of your calling rules and play a few more hands.
The best thing to do against a bully is to call and check all of the time. The one thing you do not want to do is bet a lot. Make as few raises as possible and do not initiate any bets. Let the poker bully do this for you. They will be seeking domination of the table, which means betting on as many hands and raising as much as possible.
They will do this to intimidate, but it can be used against them. It may be tempting to just face the bully head on. If they want to raise unreasonably, you will do the same and try to win. This works sometimes, but it is a risky and reckless strategy. It is better to face a bully with cold, calculating strategy. Let him tighten the noose around his own neck with each reckless bet and raise.