The type of people who play Poker

Often I’ve strolled  through casinos taking perceptive note of the gamblers slouched over the smoky grass green gambling tables, surrounded by smoke, laughter and that ding ding ding sound of the Slot machines that are relentless.

I’m always drawn particularly to the Poker tables as the inhabitants of this table always appear unfazed by the goings-on in the casino. This is because they are deep in though and tend to treat the round as though their whole life depends on winning the game – which for professional gamblers this kind of is the case because they have to perform to literally stay in the game and win so that they can keep their sponsorships. For this reason professional Poker players take the game very seriously.

Even Poker players who are regular players and beginners will put all their focus on the game at hand because it is just that type of game that demands this kind of concentration and dedication. Thus, the people who play Poker are generally the serious types who live by the motto “time is money”. There are the players who take the game less seriously and they generally are playing for the fun of it, which is a great form of entertainment.

GUEST POST BY Charlotte Jackson Casino and Promotion Manager at Maple Casino

Charlotte Jackson - Promotion Manager Maple Casino

Charlotte Jackson – Promotion Manager Maple Casino